An Ounce of Preventer is Worth a Pound of Jibe

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Benjamin Franklin Sailing downwind is bliss for many cruisers. The wind is at your back and the seas are often following. Heeling is reduced or absent altogether and the sailing is just generally quieter. You've also got options for which sails to hoist and how to set them. If your boat is so equipped and the air light, you may opt for a spinnaker. Or maybe you prefer wing-and-wing with the headsail on one side of the boat and the main on the other. Wing-and-wing on a downwind run We have a nice and colorful symmetrical spinnaker that we occasionally fly on Island Bound , but more often we'll go wing-and-wing when we're cruising downwind. While the methods for wing-and-wing sailing vary from boat to boat and with crew to crew, I thought I'd show our most common method in hopes that it may give some ideas to other cruisers out there. Spin pole used to hold out the genoa We typically use a whisker/s...