Stand Firm - More Sailing Shoe Reviews

"Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm." -Abraham Lincoln When the art of sailing gets technical, having a firm foothold on the deck is critical. If you've ever had to go forward to release a snagged jib sheet or tie in a reef when the seas are snotty, then you understand the importance of being able to stand firm in the most literal sense. I have a hard time narrowing my shoe choices when it's time to set sail for a cruise. Sometimes I like a shoe because of how it looks, sometimes because of how it feels, and other times because of how it performs. Occasionally there's a pair of shoes that checks all three boxes. Today I'm going give you the lowdown on four relatively new sailing shoes and see if any are the right place for a sailor's feet. [ Check here for for a couple of the sailing shoe reviews I've done in the past]. XTRATUF Finatic : First up is a pair of modest deck/dock shoes from a company that's known...