4 Simple Questions with Sailboat Designer Ron Holland

"I believe designing a fast, good looking sailboat does not require any design compromise." -Ron Holland Here's number 4 i n my series of mini-interviews with prominent sailboat designers. Today I'm welcoming Ron Holland , the premier large yacht designer. Born in Auckland, New Zealand, Ron's love for sailing began at an early age. Ron's father, wanting the best for him, bought Ron a sailing dinghy for his 7th birthday. Ron recalls feeling upset because he really wanted a rowing dinghy, not a sailing dinghy. He was afraid the dinghy would tip over and sure enough, it capsized on their first trip out on the water. By the age of 15, Ron was a well-known crew member of several successful yachts. One of which was the 36-foot ketch Aloha on which he sailed from Auckland to Sydney, a journey of over 1,000 miles. His experiences lead to an apprenticeship with boat builder Keith Atkinson through the Auckland Technical Institute. While there, two teachers recogn...