
Showing posts with the label Lake Charlevoix

Harbor Springs to Charlevoix

Harbor Springs to Charlevoix (Horton Bay): 25NM - July 16 through 19 Waiting for better weather proved to be a good move as the lake was much calmer the next day and we were able to motorsail with Otto at the helm for most of the 25 nautical miles from Harbor Springs to Charlevoix. N ana, Bumpa and the girls met us in Round Lake in Charlevoix on their boat as we came into the harbor. We all went ashore for lunch and Venetian Festival activities before sailing down Lake Charlevoix to Horton Bay. Ever since I met Erin back in 1990 and started coming with her family to the cottage and Lake Charlevoix I’ve dreamed of sailing down the long, beautiful lake through the blue/green waters. Yet again, our summer cruise has allowed me to realize another of my sailing dreams. We borrowed a mooring ball in Horton Bay and kept the boat moored while Erin, Isabel, Hannah and I soaked up a few days of life ashore. We were able to stretch our legs, catch up on laundry and sleep in a bed with an hon...